
Claire Grace: 5 Months Old

This girl of ours is the greatest blessing. She is so happy almost all of the time! She has started having little giggles. They are my absolute thing about her. I love making her laugh. She eats so good! She just started eating 2 foods a day. She typically has cereal some time in the morning and usually fruits and veggies at night. She had mashed potatoes for the first time the other day and she was real excited to keep getting bites. She has that little mouth open like a bird. You can't be slow about getting the next bite ready!!

I haven't weighed her this month but I can tell she is definitely gaining. She is still wearing 3 to 6 month clothing and size 0 and 1 shoes. She has had the sweetest little outfits for all of the holiday festivities. She like all of the Christmas lights and festive decorations. Bath time has always been enjoyable but now she is really fond of just sitting in the sink and letting the warm water run on her. She tries to catch it and suck it off of her hand.

She isn't quite sitting still. Every once and a while she does pretty well but then usually falls over. She is very content and happy to roll around in the floor. Last month she had started reaching for toys but now she grabs and holds on to them like a pro! Sophie is her favorite toy at the moment. She really likes chewing on her head and feet. Claire also likes chewing on her own feet!

Sleeping has been so great for so long. Some nights we made it all night in our own beds but the last few weeks have been rough. This girl doesn't take very long naps and she just wants to sleep on Momma at night. We spend most nights on the sofa snuggled up.

This month she was in her first parade! She also met Santa!


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