
Claire Grace: 3 Months Old

Time seems to continue to fly by faster and faster. The last month has been a whirlwind. J has been traveling and my new job has kept us busy as well. We are constantly on the go and we are so blessed to have a baby that just tags right a long and doesn't seem to be too affected by all of the go go go. C is our greatest joy. We love all of her coos and smiles. She wants to sit by herself so bad but she is still not quite strong enough just yet.


She is rolling over so well now. She thinks Peppa Pig is alright! There are couple of other shows that keep her attention but that is definitely her favorite. She still doesn't like sitting in her swing. She still sleeps on her tummy at night. Usually in the mornings we find her in a much different position than we had left her the night before. She wiggles so much. She loves to be outside. She went for a ride on the mule with her great-granddad and had so much to see! J and I often discuss that she seems so interested in everything around her. When she wakes up in a new place, she always has this concerned look on her face and it takes her a moment to warm up but once she looks around and sees all of the new things she is just fine. She is constantly chewing and sucking on her hands. J brought her a Sophie giraffe home from California and she has started chewing on that a little. Most toys still don't interest her much. Soon I think we will have to get her some sort of chair or bouncer seat. She borrowed Asher's one night and she seemed to really like sitting up all by herself.

My girl is growing all the time. I'm excited for her next wellness check to see how long she is. I weighed her a few days ago and she was 10 lbs! We love this girl! She is the best thing that we have ever done.

I feel so blessed to be her mom and so excited about the life we get to live with her.

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