
Maggie & Zelda - 10 months old

The little girls are 10 months old and I don't even understand how time has gone by this fast. We are quickly approaching their first birthday and I'm just over here scrolling back through tiny baby pictures. They once both fit into the same single stroller and my zip hoodie. Now they are active and heavy!

Maggie is right at 20 pounds. She crawls fast! She would play peek-a-boo all day. She has the sweetest most endearing smile I have ever seen. She is usually pretty laid back and just happy to be around everyone. She is our best eater by far. If she is tired you will know it and she will quickly be asleep if you give her the opportunity. She wakes up first every single day and usually by 6am with a big smile on her face. Maggie Moo gives lots of kisses especially to Claire Grace. She can say Mama and Dada. She is a climber and a dancer. I have a feeling she will be walking real soon. She is still a bit timid about taking steps but she will climb the barstool over and over.

Zelda Ruth is ready to go! She is about the same weight as Maggie but solid as a rock. She has been walking since September first. She has the absolute cutest face when she wakes up. I can't quite explain it but I hope I never forget it. She is a heavy sleeper if you can ever get her to sleep. She usually screams and screams and then she's out. This girl follows me around the house all day long usually clinging to my pants legs trying to get me to pick her up. She is by far the most attached to Mama. She can say Mama, Dada, and we think Yaya. It also sounded like she was trying to say Nonnie over the weekend. She tries to wave bye bye and every once in a while it sounds like she is saying that also.

My favorite part of every day is seeing the way that these three girls are becoming friends. The babies adore Claire Grace and that just makes my heart so happy. Sometimes life is crazy and tiring but I feel beyond blessed that it is my real life.

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