
Claire Grace: 7 Months

Our girl is 7 months old! She is a mess! Claire is constantly on the go and figuring out this crawling thing very well. She has started pulling up. She celebrated her first Valentine's Day. She has now been to two different museums. Her Daddy took her to the Fort Worth Children's Museum about a week ago and he said that she loved it! She wanted to see all of the different animals and got mad when she wasn't allowed to play in the water like the big kids. She also went to the park for the first time to swing.

We had Claire's ears pierced a few weeks ago. Overall it was a very good experience. She was very upset but mostly because she was being held down. It was a great surprise to find out that our pediatrician will pierce ears.

 She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. No matter how many times I vacuum she always manages to find the one thing that I missed. It is a constant struggle to keep the floor clean and things out of her mouth. She eats anything that we give her. She prefers to eat what you are eating not baby food. We have pretty much completely stopped with any form of jarred baby food. She still loves mashed potatoes and green beans. Those are probably her two favorite foods. She likes jello, pudding, and chocolate. She seems to prefer water to juice when drinking but she still wants her bottle almost every two hours like clock work even if she has just had a big meal.






 I have now been away on some sort of trip four times since she has been born. It doesn't get any easier, maybe it even gets more difficult, but its good for us. She has started saying "mamamamamama" over and over. I was told that she said it quite a bit while we were in Austin this past weekend. We think she might have missed us but I promise we missed her more.

Getting pictures is not always easy for us as you can see. Taylor was visiting and had her puppy behind me so C was on a mission to get back there!

Happy 7 Months to my girl! You make our life complete.








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